Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I like me some presentations!

The presentations have really helped me come along with my paper. They helped me to know which direction to be looking. Since then, I've been able to make a lot of progress. I've found that writing a paper like this is a process. You can't get one place until you been to another. You start off looking for basically anything you can find, then you use what you do find. You read it, then you find search for something based upon what you've just read. After that, you can do that again until you find everything you need. Before the presentation, I honestly did not know what I was going to do. After seeing the first days, however, I realized what it was I needed to search for, and I found it. Now I'm ready to finish up my paper.

I found the presentations to be very interesting. Everyone in the medical field is basically taking the same approach, but in different ways, or as I've said before, "They're on the same information superhighway, they're just traveling in different directions". I think it's interesting to think on the standpoint of delivering bad news. That would be a very difficult thing to do. Personally, I have a light of experience with that. I had a bone tumor my freshman year in high school, and I thought my doctor handled it very well. She told me all the possibilities it could be, but didn't say she was leaning anyway until she knew for sure. Along with her knowing for sure, she told me that it was benign, and that it probably wasn't even going to take surgery.

The other presentations were very interesting too. I especially liked the hostage negotiation one. I left him a blog comment talking about how that information is good for everyone to know. You can use that kind of language in hardening situations. For example, if you have a friend who's having a hard time and just needs someone to talk to. I'd say that language also would help new parents communicate with their children as they get older (hint hint Mr. Barnette). But seriously, I was really glad that we got the opportunity to do these presentations, they sure helped me out.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Paper 3 so far....

How many people nowadays get their news from a newspaper? Most news is gotten from the web, tv, or the radio. Newspapers are slowly beginning to dwindle down, as they have many disadvantages. What are the newspapers doing to compete with their counterparts? Journalists have to change their writing styles to help keep the idea of newspapers alive.

Traditionally, newspaper journalists have had a specific way of writing. It was their job to find information and give it to everyone. They had to be directly to the point, showing no means of their own opinions. This took away from the ability to be vivid and creative. That wasn’t ever the job of the journalist. Now with the uprising of blogs and web-journalism, competition leads to a journalistic change. In order to stay in business, the newspapers have to be able to do something to capture the attention of the readers. This something involves writing more from a personal prospective than ever. Journalists now have to be narrative.

There is a technique involved in keeping a reader interested. By using a different style in language, journalists are able to paint a picture into the readers’ heads. They have to “dumb” it down, so to speak, to allow a reader to “see” what’s going on. Journalists nowadays have to learn how to use linguistic exposures.

Linguistic exposures are defined as formulation mechanisms used by the writer to present details of a story in a clear and understandable way. The example given by Grunwald and Lauridsen uses the following sentence: The credit-worthiness of the country has deteriorated. Traditionally, this is how a journalist would have stated this particular fact. However, using a linguistic exposure, journalists will change the sentence to: The faces of our creditors look more and more disbelieving. This allows the reader to fully grasp the concept without having to think too hard on what is meant.

According to Russell and Many, journalists use language collectives. Journalists have to use attribution, which means that they have to give credit to whoever their source is. When a journalist says, “he said” or “she said”, the journalist is attributing the quote to someone. Language collectives attribute a whole group for a decision made within the group. For example, if a journalist were to say that Congress passed a law, this would be using a language collective, because Congress didn’t pass the law, the members of Congress did. This happens a lot.

Journalists use these “metaphors”, because it makes the information simple to understand. This is another way language is used in journalism. Even though Congress didn’t actually pass the law, everyone understands what is meant by using that phrase. Besides, it sounds better and is simpler than writing “the members of Congress” every time.

These language connectives are used very frequently. The New York Times uses language connectives on average of about 24 times a week. This can really be a problem. If you say the CIA solved the case, then you aren’t giving credit to the individuals responsible for solving the case. If you say the White House stated something, this doesn’t give credit to the actual individual. Yet, language connectives are still an easier way to get a point across to the reader.

So far this is what my research has lead me to. I’ve learned a lot already about language in journalism. I believe I’ve found about 75% of my research now; I just have to put it all together now, and find a little bit more. I really like the direction it’s going though.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My research thus far

Having my third paper being on how language effects journalism has been difficult for me. I have been looking up journal entries and researching the rules of language. I have also been researching how journalists deal with having to research news that may be in a different language. The most important thing I have found are that there are several rules to remember for journalists. Not only do American journalists have to know the rules of the English language, but that have to follow an Associated Press style.

Most every form of news requires their employees to know the rules of the Associated Press Stylebook. I actually own one of these stylebooks, so I can somewhat relate to the difficulties of learning a new way to write. A lot of the rules are similar, but are just slightly different, which makes it difficult to learn.

Research has shown that language accents also make it hard for journalists. If there is a heavy accent, the journalist might have a problem reporting what is said. Journalists have to deal with all the different accents of the world. This is due to all the immigrants from different parts of the world. A journalist has to be able to understand each of these accents.

Journalists might also find it a problem to communicate with foreigners because of their lack of knowledge of the English language. So if a journalist wants to conduct an interview, they would have to make sure they asked their questions in a way the interviewee would understand it. I had the personal experience in working with a Polish guy last summer, and I learned this lesson myself. I said many things that were natural for me, that he didn't understand. Words that may be common synonyms for us may mean nothing to someone who uses English as a second language. And this is all my research has shown so far.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Revised Essay on Gay!

“Gay” offensive? Not to me.

According to the Oxford English dictionary, the word, “gay” has had over fifty meanings over the course of time. This dates back all the way to 1386, when the word meant someone who was full of joy. Here lately the word has been used as a synonym for “stupid”. My main question is this, is the word “gay” offensive? Personally, I don’t think so, and I will explain why.

In 1386, according to the Oxford English dictionary the word “gay” as an adjective started out as a description for a joyous person. Later on in 1826, the word described a lively, prancing horse. Since that definition, there have been over twenty adjectives alone that are synonymous to “gay.” Here’s an example of a phrase that uses the word “gay” in a different context: “Are you trying to get gay with me?” Nowadays, this phrase could be taken several different ways. Mainly, I would think it would refer to a homosexual. However, in this phrase, the word “gay” simply means to be front or impertinent.

The word has also changed as an adverb throughout the years. If you place an “-ly” on the end of any word it becomes an adverb. For example: happily, restlessly, and crazily are all adverbs. Gay is no exception. If you were to play the “-ly” on the end of gay, it becomes gaily. This word was most commonly used as a way to say someone did something with glee or joy. For example, I gaily cheered about getting an “A” on an exam. Also, when used as an adverb, you could talk about a gay few, meaning a good few.

The word “gay” has also been used to describe a woman in prostitution as early as 1825. That meaning is no longer used today. “Gay” has meant a dog’s erect tail. When the dog’s tail was straight, the dog had a gay tail. I’ve never heard it used like that. Back in 1381, Chaucer used the word to mean nicely dressed. That doesn’t sound familiar to me either. In 1529 the word was meant to describe something brilliant, which is the exact opposite of how the word is used now. More definitions include: to be in good health, to describe something good, tolerable, Parasynthetic, and ironic.

In 1974, in the United States the word “gay” was used to describe a homosexual. This word, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is slang. On www.dictionary.com, the word can mean happy, bright, licentious, or homosexual. Casually this word can mean homosexual, without it being slang. Webster’s defines “gay” the exact same way. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “gay” meaning homosexual has only been around since 1974. In modern times, this word is no longer slang. It has become a way safe and easy way to talk about a homosexual. The Urban Dictionary defines gay in three ways: happy, homosexual, and more recently, stupid.

People have begun to say something is gay to refer to something they do not like. Many people say that this saying was brought forth by referring to homosexuals as stupid, or something people don’t like. This meaning of “gay” originated in 2003, so says the OED. I don’t think this word was meant as stupid referring to homosexual individuals. Am I wrong? I don’t know, but I will fight to prove my innocence of using the term so openly. When I hear someone use a phrase such as “How gay is this?!”, I don’t think about a homosexual. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t say this term if I truly thought homosexuals were offended by it.

If you’ve ever heard someone say, “That guy was really trying to gay up this place,” be aware that it is very possible that this phrase wasn’t aimed to be offensive. In 1581, using gay in such a way just meant to brighten something up. For example, “Everyday, the sun gays up the neighborhood.” However, nowadays, it probably okay to assume it’s meant to be offensive. Microsoft Word’s grammar check doesn’t recognize that sentence and tells me that I need a verb.

I actually know, and am friends with three gay people. I have made jokes around them calling certain things gay, and they have just laughed. Of course, I can’t look at these three people and assume that it’s okay with every gay person to hear jokes about their sexual orientation. I think the true question here isn’t whether the word gay is offensive, it’s who does the word gay offend. Gay originally meant to have joy. This word has been tossed around several times to mean so many different things. It was never meant to be offensive to anyone. Some gay rights activists would argue that we should stop using this word to mean anything other than happy or homosexual. However, some gay people use this word as openly as heterosexuals. How can someone who isn’t even gay speak for the gay community? If I’m generalizing a group of people by saying “gay” to mean stupid, then aren’t these people doing the same thing by assuming every gay person wants rid of the derogatory meaning of the word?

I could go on all day about offensive words, and how we should stop using them. If we can’t use “gay” in a context that means stupid, then we shouldn’t be able to use “ass” to mean anything other than a donkey. We shouldn’t be able to use “hell” other than to mean a place created by God to cast out Satan. We also shouldn’t be able to say “damn” other than to mean it to convict someone. Every word in our language had to come from somewhere, that’s what’s great about it. The word “retard” in other languages, such as French, means slow. In English, this word means to be mentally challenged. In the Bible, the word “lame” means crippled. Now the word means boring or naïve. In the 18th century, the word “fag” meant hard work. We all know what the word is said to mean now. Languages change, that’s a fact.

The word “gay” has changed so much over the years. I was a preteen when it was introduced to mean stupid. I personally did not make the connection between “gay” meaning stupid to refer to a homosexual. Therefore, when I say something is gay, I’m just saying it is stupid, period. I have nothing against homosexuals, and I would never disrespect them by saying gay if I truly thought it was derogatory to them. If someone is a homosexual, and they don’t want me to say that word to mean stupid, then they can tell me and I will save the word for my other gay friends. For example of what I mean, look at the word “bitch”. It means female dog. I honestly can make no connection between a female dog and how it’s used now. Can you?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gay Offensive? I think not!

According to the Oxford English dictionary, the word, “gay” has had over fifty meanings over the course of time.  This dates back all the way to 1386, when the word meant someone who was full of joy.  Here lately the word has been used as a synonym for “stupid”.  My main question is this, is the word “gay” offensive?  Personally, I don’t think so, and I will explain why.

In 1386, according to the Oxford English dictionary the word “gay” as an adjective started out as a description for a joyous person.  Later on in 1826, the word described a lively, prancing horse.  Since that definition there have been over twenty adjectives alone that are synonymous to “gay.”  Here’s an example of a phrase that use the word “gay” in a different context: “Are you trying to get gay with me?”  Nowadays, this sentence would be viewed as humorous.  This is something I would say to another guy if he took his shirt off and tried to hug me.  However, in this phrase, the word gay simply means to be front or impertinent. 

The word has also changed as an adverb throughout the years.  If you place an    “-ly” on the end of any word it becomes an adverb.  For example: happily, restlessly, and crazily are all adverbs.  Gay is no exception.  If you were to play the “-ly” on the end of gay, it becomes gaily.  This word was most commonly used as a way to say someone did something with glee or joy.  For example, I gaily cheered about getting an “A” on an exam.  Also, when used as an adverb, you could talk about a gay few, meaning a good few. 

The word “gay” has also been used to describe a woman in prostitution as early as 1825.  That meaning is no longer used today.  “Gay” has meant a dog’s erect tail.  When the dog’s tail was straight, the dog had a gay tail.  I’ve never heard it used like that.  Back in 1381, Chaucer used the word to mean nicely dressed.  That doesn’t sound familiar to me either.  In 1529, the word was meant to describe something brilliant, which is the exact opposite of how the word is used now.  More definitions include: to be in good health, to describe something good, tolerable, Parasynthetic, and ironic.

In 1974, in the United States the word “gay” was used to describe a homosexual.  This word, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is slang.  On www.dictionary.com, the word can mean happy, bright, licentious, or homosexual.  Casually this word can mean homosexual, without it being slang.  Webster’s defines “gay” the exact same way.  According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “gay” meaning homosexual has only been around since 1974.  In modern times, this word is no longer slang.  It has become a way safe and easy way to talk about a homosexual.  The Urban Dictionary defines gay in three ways: happy, homosexual, and more recently, stupid. 

People have begun to say something is gay to refer to something they do not like.  Many people say that this saying was brought forth by referring to homosexuals as stupid, or something people don’t like.  This meaning of “gay” originated in 2003, so says the OED.  I don’t think this word was meant as stupid referring to homosexual individuals.  Most new phrases come with similar wordings, and everyone knows what it means.  For an example of this, I’ll use some basketball slang.  If someone shoots a three-pointer and it goes in, you might hear someone say, “He drained it.”  Maybe you’ll hear someone say, “Water!”  You might even hear someone say, “Buckets!” All these terms are similar to each other, and carry the same value for people who follow basketball.  If someone did start up “gay” to mean stupid, referring to homosexuals, then wouldn’t there be other close phrases.  Wouldn’t someone have come up with using “fag” or “queer”?  I’ve never heard anyone say, “This shirt is fag.”  If someone really wanted to be hurtful, they would use these words instead, because gay is actually an official word for homosexuals.  Homosexuals accept the word gay as well, as there are Gay Pride gatherings.

If you’ve ever heard someone say, “That guy was really trying to gay up this place,” be aware that it is very possible that this phrase wasn’t aimed to be offensive.  In 1581, using gay in such a way just meant to brighten something up.  For example, “Everyday, the sun gays up the neighborhood.”  However, nowadays, it probably okay to assume it’s meant to be offensive.  Microsoft Word’s grammar check doesn’t recognize that sentence and tells me that I need a verb. 

I actually know, and am friends with three gay people.  I have made jokes around them calling certain things gay, and they have just laughed.  Of course, I can’t look at these three people and assume that it’s okay with every gay person to hear jokes about their sexual orientation.  I think the true question here isn’t whether the word gay is offensive, it’s who does the word gay offend.  Gay originally meant to have joy.  This word has been tossed around several times to mean so many different things.  It was never meant to be offensive to anyone.  Gay rights activists would argue that we should stop using this word to mean anything other than happy or homosexual.  However, some gay people use this word as openly as heterosexuals.  Therefore, in order to say gay is offensive, you would have to have a unanimous decision from all homosexuals saying it offends them, which isn’t going to happen.  Let’s face it, you’re never going to make everyone happy. 

I could go on all day about offensive words, and how we should stop using them.  If we can’t use “gay” in a context that means stupid, then we shouldn’t be able to use “ass” to mean anything other than a donkey.  We shouldn’t be able to use “hell” other than to mean a place created by God to cast out Satan.  We also shouldn’t be able to say “damn” other than to mean it to convict someone.  Every word in our language had to come from somewhere, that’s what’s great about it.  The word “retard” in other languages, such as French, means slow.  In English, this word means to be mentally challenged.  In the Bible, the word “lame” means crippled.  Now the word means boring or naïve.  In the 18th century, the word “fag” meant hard work.  We all know what the word is said to mean now.  Languages change, that’s a fact. 

 “Gay” is a word that has changed so much over the years.  If you are offended by the word “gay”, who are you to say I’m even talking about you when I say it?  I could be referring to an erect dog’s tail.  I could have just made up an entire new meaning to the word.  It is not any homosexual’s authority to say that they own the word “gay”.  “Gay” has so many meanings that it’s almost like a variable.  We could use an equation in sentence form: This day couldn’t get any gayer!  Gay is the “x” of the sentence.  We could rewrite that sentence several ways using the different meanings:  This day couldn’t get any happier! ; This day couldn’t get any brighter! ; This day couldn’t get any homosexualier!  That doesn’t even work.  How could assume that gay always means homosexual?  The point is, the word "gay" is a beautiful word.  It means happy and bright.  I'd love to be gay everyday.  People who become offended should realize how beautiful the word really is.  So, is “gay” offensive?  I think not!

Sources:  www.oed.org ; www.urbandictionary.com ; www.m-w.com; www.dictionary.com

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I have such a gay mind

That sounds bad, so first, I'm going to explain what I mean by that. My word is "gay" because it's so common to me. I was shocked to research this word and find tons of meanings. Back in the day, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, to have a gay mind actually meant you had a good mind. I like to think I have a gay mind. There are so many meanings for gay. It's incredible.

Words change so much. Honestly, I personally think that stupidity is what changes these words. Words start out one way, and I think people who don't know the meaning of the words get them out of context and it just sounds good. An example of this would be the word "hard". This probably doesn't make sense to a lot of you, but when I was in high school, "hard" was used very frequently. If you think of hard, you think of solid. That's not how we had hard at all. The funny thing was, that started with my group of friends, and some people overheard it, and all of a sudden, everyone in the school was saying it. So, here's what hard actually meant.

The word "hard" used alone in our context was used to describe something or someone completely different. The difference was supposed to make this person or thing look "cool", but instead it made it funny and people laughed at it. For example, if I wore a sombraro to school as a fassion statement, people would look at me like I was cool, they would think I was a moron and make fun of me. Therefore, I would be hard. The word hard is derived from the phrase "hard a**." Everything became "hard". When we'd see someone acting stupid for spirit week or something, we would just smile and say, "ooh man, thats hard." To fully understand the concept, maybe one would actually have to hear the word in action. I just hate it that I can't say that word here at UT, because no one would know what it meant.

We can use this example to explain other words changing as well, such as, gay or macho. Maybe these words just sounded cool. Maybe someone just made it up to be funny. I don't think we'll ever know for sure.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Importance of Being in Class

So, I get to my conference okay.  I talked to Mr. Barnette about some off the wall issues, and then we discussed my paper.  Let me just go ahead and point out that I wasn't thrilled at the grade I got.  As we were going through this paper, he pointed out many little stupid things that I didn't think of that were absolutely killing my paper.  Oh well.  He's giving me a chance to revise it, and now I know everything I can do to help.  It's this next paper that's going to give me troubles, seeing as to how it's due soon.  It's very important to come to class.  I had to miss a day that could have really helped me.  It was the self-evaluation day.  Anyway, now that that's out of the way, I want to discuss one of the readings.  I believe it was called something like "English is for Everyone".  After reading that, I feel about "yay" high (probably about an inch, using an old country term).  I'm not sure on the spelling for that, but it's not very tall.  Honestly, I try to speak as properly as possible, because I don't want people to associate me with having "hick" backgrounds.  However, after reading this, I see that these words that "hicks" use, have been used for a long time.  The reading talked about how people got together to make certain rules.  The rules they made cut out a lot of that language.  Who are those people to say what's wrong and what's not?  My ignorance of all of this before made me feel uncomfortable to be caught sounding like that.  But really, I think me and some of my buddies should organize a national convention on how you can and can't walk.  We're going to rule out "strutting", so models are just going to have to find a new way to walk.  --That makes no sense whatsoever.  Is that how it happened?  Were they all just in a meeting and saying stuff like, "well, Geoffrey says this word 'yonder'.  I don't like it, let's say it's not proper."  

I think everyone's so caught up in being politically correct that we've forgotten the most important thing, acknowledgement of cultures.  Nowhere in the United States is the same.  Maybe I've been wrong all these years.  Maybe it is okay to have an accent and say words like, "tater, mater, tornader."  I think the worst part is that having an accent and just being yourself can keep you from earning an important job.  I guess someone from Nebraska would get the job instead.  I don't know.  All I know is that I'm hoping to find out more to help me understand and to think more open-mindedly.  

Thursday, February 21, 2008

One Brutal Week

I've had a terrible week.  I've been really sick, as a lot of students have been.  I missed school on Monday in order to try to recover for all the Midterms I had this week.  That was okay, except for I missed some pretty important class sessions.  I finally got to feeling "a little" bit better on Wednesday, and got my paper all tidied up on Tuesday night.  However, when I went to print it on Wednesday morning, I ran into a problem.  First, I forgot my flash drive.  If that wasn't bad enough, I finally got to the library, and there wasn't a free computer in the Commons, because some people found that watching videos on Youtube was more important that people trying to prepare for the professional world.  I really can't complain, though.  It's my fault.  It was my irresponsibility that caused me not to print it off on Tuesday.  I work at a radio station back in my home town.  My boss has told me something that I know I'm going to carry with me for the rest of my life.  He said, "Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance".  The seven P's.  Even though I've been inactive from my classes, I know I've learned a lot this week.  I've learned that it doesn't matter how crappy you feel, you still have to be productive.  I know that's how it's going to be in the professional world.  The world will never stop turning for me.  And I'll admit, I kinda wanted someone to feel sorry for me and cut me a break.  That's quite immature on my part, but hey, I'm getting older and learning life lessons.  I've also learned that I've got only half a semester to improve myself.  I'm going to work hard to pick things up.  I've used excuses all semester.  I think it's time to grow up.  I'm ready for the rest of the semester.  Bring it on!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another week

This week in class we discussed racism in language. Linguistic profiling occurs a lot. As I said in discussion, I'm not surprised by this at all. It's pretty easy to tell that something like that is going to occur. So many people in this world are crooked. I've seen so much dishonesty from people I never even would have believed it from. People will always be profiled, as sad as that is.

As far as the video goes. Part one of the video was actually pretty funny at times. I thought it was great that he went around doing research on language. What I found funny was how basic some of his research was. He was talking to teenagers about their instant messaging habits. There were a lot of those phrases that I've been using since middle school. It had never been pointed out to me that maybe some people don't know what those things mean.

As far as the Midwest goes, I never would have thought that they would be considered the area with no accent. People stereotype the southern states to have "country" accents, which is not always true. There are plenty of people without accents of this kind. I guess that also ties into linguistic profiling, but that's always a stereotype that has upset me. I've hated to be made out like a hick or redneck. I'm sure several people hate to be profiled like that, though.

I didn't really know what to expect from this class. We've stretched language in every way. I figured we would just talk about how languages come about. After learning about "linguistic profiling" and "globish", I've gained an interest that I've never had. It's so interesting that you we can go so in-depth with this particular topic. We've still got a whole semester too.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ethnographic Blog

You can find my article here.

Although this article is short, it's very important to this area. It's absolutely stunning to me that Knoxville has more victims of asthma than anyone. How could it be that Tennessee is like that? I know that Tennessee is one of the most obese states in the US. I also know that there was such a smog problem, that the state lowered the speed limit on I-40 in the Knoxville area from 65 for 55. Memphis was 5th worse. The top five asthma problems are all in the southeast. It's so amazing to me, that these are issues that my children will have to deal with.
Everyone knows these bad things about Tennessee. The studies hold all the evidence that it takes to keep someone out of here. I am now concerned with this problem.
If this article includes cultural information, it's the fact that the culture of Tennessee involves something that causes this high asthma rate. And not even in Tennessee, in the Southeast in general. If a fieldworker were looking for more information, they might ask the population of the Knoxville area. They might try to find out a vehicle preference. They might also try to see how people in the area feel about the problem. The questions of the field workers would differ because they fieldworkers would try to find out the meat of the story. They would just report it, like this particular article did, they would ask the questions not covered, like I gave examples of.
A field worker would interview the asthma victims, and get their take on living in Tennesseee. The worker would find out if the victim thought it was worth it or not. The worker would also talk to Scientists and find out what really causes the problem. A field worker would probably use historical facts, such as the progression of pollution in this area. Also, they would try to find the the rate of people with asthma throughout the years, and find out the increase. To find this information the field worker could go to the Knoxville Court House or look at online reasearch databases.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Language Memoir

When I was eight years old my family went on vacation to Florida. We stayed in a condo that was conveniently located five minutes from Disney World. I remember my family stopping off and asking a cleaning lady where our room was. Her reply was, "me no speak English." I'd always seen that in movies, but I never knew that people actually said it. Ever since then, I'd been very fascinated with different languages. I couldn't wait to learn a foreign language when I got to high school. I never understood why there had to be more than one language anyway. Finally, I got to high school.

My high school didn't offer Spanish, so I couldn't take the language that I wanted to. They offered German and French. I took French, because I decided that one day I'd like to go to France and it would be useful. I took my first semester of French, and learned that I was lucky to have grown up in an English speaking family. Without question, English would have been the toughest language to learn and pick up. There are so many different rules to English that I'm still, as a freshman in college, trying to learn. I had French, my girlfriend had Spanish, and some of my friends had German, and they each seem to think their foreign language class was relatively easy.

As a senior, my English teacher based his English class around the history of the world. We learned about everything it seems. We talked about the fall of ancient Rome, the Norman Conquest of 1066, the rise of the Tudor kings in England, and the many translations of the Bible. In this course, I learned much about the communication throughout the years. One thing that I learned, which I think is funny, was about Old English. I believe a lot of people protested the NIV version of the Bible because it wasn't in Old English form, and it didn't seem authentic to them. What they don't know, however, is that when King James gave permission for a new translation of the Bible in the 17th Century, I believe it was, Old English was just common. That's the way everyone sounded, therefore it was translated in the way that everyone could understand. Had King James approved it today in the 21st Century, it would be quite like the NIV.

That's the way language changes though. When we are born we base our language on what we hear, because that's all we know. We look to our mommies and daddies for guidance. I know that growing up in a small town in rural Tennessee, I was subject to such hick sayings as, "down yonder" and "warsh" and "tater". No matter how hideous those words sound to me now, everyone knew exactly what I was saying when I asked my mother why she went down yonder to warsh the taters. And that's how language works. I know that while I was in school, a lot of words were made up, that would have no meaning to anyone but us. We had such words and sayings as "snaff" and"dorkus klump". What are those words going to mean to anyone? Nothing, but if someone called me a "snaff" I would get offensive and know that they were making fun of my intelligence.

I know that if I want to hear a new word, all I have to do is turn on the radio or tv. People are making up words everyday. There's even a site online called Urban Dictionary, with meanings to all these new words. I know I've had to use that site as a reference a couple of times, just because I was really curious about what certain words meant. Some words are colorful and creative, but some I can't tell how they came up with a connection for it. That's the beauty of language. It doesn't even have to make sense. Once one person knows what it is, he can tell someone else. Then two people know what it is, and then it keeps spreading until one day you have your "cowabunga" or your "scrubs". No one will ever be able to keep up with their own native language, and I think that's great. It helps everyone keep their identity. If you feel like your password is being hacked, you have to change it. I think people can look at language similarly. I just hope that 50 years from now, I can have a conversation with my grandson, and we don't have any problems knowing what each other's words mean.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

first thoughts of Language

What could be easier than talking about the English Language? I've been speaking English ever since I've been able to form words, which is a long time. I've learned slang, grammar rules, and advanced vocabulary. After every word I've heard, I wouldn't believe anyone if they told me I still had a lot to learn about the English language. I had no idea it was true. After our first class discussions I feel small and weak. I talk a lot. In high school I was voted most talkative. If there was one thing I knew I was good at, it was striking a conversation. All English is, is a language put together from several other languages. If this is so, then why can't English become an international language. At a young age, many foreign countries require their students to learn English as a second language. I think a whole new international language is a good idea. I'd love to be able to communicate with all the foreign speaking people I see in Wal-Mart. Well, that's all for now. See you next week.